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Buy tianeptine in Hong Kong

Our customers who buy tianeptine in Hong Kong are sharing their reviews of this drug:

“I have been using Tianeptine Tynept 12.5 for five days now, and it just blows away other meds. The timed release effect works perfectly – a single dose lasts at least six hours, if not ten. There are no highs and lows in mood. There’s no strong euphoria, and more importantly, there’s no crash either.

I have been using tianeptine as my primary antidepressant since last June. For several months, I’ve been taking about 100 mg a day. The need to redose every 2-3 hours has been frustrating and impractical, so the ability to go for most of the day on one dose makes tianeptine so much more valuable. I find that a single 100 mg dose of tianeptine kicks in within 15 minutes, hits peak effect from 1-3 hours in, and hangs on for many more hours..

In conclusion, props to Intas for making “Tynept” deserving of its name. I hope it becomes the new standard.

I was actually just going to make a post about it earlier as well but I’ll just comment here:

Agree with everything you said. This stuff is awesome. With the tianeptine it all feels like one very smooth glide. I actually haven’t been bothering to re-dose throughout the day because once the effects are wearing off I don’t even notice and I continue feeling pretty good for a good ten hours or so.

Really impressed with buying . This stuff is 100% the best anti-depressant for me. Highly recommend it.

Before you buy tianeptine in Hong Kong you must check warnings and precautions connected to this drug.

Tianeptine is so great.
I’ve never tried tianeptine before, but I bought the sulfate version to try out. I’m meant to be on 75mg of zoloft but I only take 50mg because 75 causes migraines. I am continously depressed, the zoloft helped my panic disorder and ocd but if anything made my depression worse. Everyday is just mood swings and wishing I could die.

But, today for the first time I took Tynept 12.5 t. It’s been about 6 hours since and I feel great, finally normal, happy and able to enjoy my girlfriends company instead of wanting her to leave me alone. I dunno if this will disappear in time but it is just so great to be happy for once.

I’m definitely more “present” on Tianeptine, less trapped in my own head. I think in that sense it also helps me have better times with my girlfriend like you said. Some of the racetams and SEMAX give me the feeling of just wanting to isolate and go work or learn everything there is on the internet about some topic that just piqued my interest. With tianeptine I’m more flexible and can adapt to different situations more easily.

There’s just one downside to it: it makes me sleepy as hell, and I can barely counter the tiredness with caffeine. I’m now up to 600mg caffeine a day. I don’t really want caffeine as part of my daily stack but since I don’t have modafinil on hand, it seems to be the best option right now.


20, 50, 100, 300, 600




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