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Buy gabapentin in Hong Kong

Gabapentin is the most popular antiepileptic drugs. It is also referred as anticonvulsant. It can be used alone or in combination with other drugs to achieve its synergistic effect. Although the drug is effective, it is essential to have the proper gabapentin dosage. The overall effectiveness of the drug is determined by the dosage. The dosing requirement for male patient differs from female. Furthermore, the dosage requirement for adult greatly differs from children. At My Hong Kong pharmacy you can buy gabapentin in Hong Kong and get high quality Gabatop brand from India.

The usual gabapentin dosage for adult patient with epilepsy is 300 mg on the first day of the treatment. It will then subsequently increase to 300 mg two times a day in the second day of the treatment. On the third day of treatment, the dosage of gabapentin will still be 300 mg but it will be given on a three times a day basis. The initial treatment differs to the maintaining dose of the medication. The maintenance dose for adult patient is 900 mg to 1800 mg daily to be given via oral route in three equally divided doses. In some cases, the dose can be increase to 300 mg to 400 mg. In fact, the maximum dosage is 2400 mg a day. There are also patient that requires higher dosage of the drugs. It will basically depend on the severity of the case and the discretion of the primary health care provider. However, one should be cautious in giving the medication as the safety and the efficacy of the medication has not been perfectly established for epileptic patients.

Before you buy gabapentin in Hong Kong it is recommended to get more information about dosage. The gabapentin dosage greatly differs to patient with postherpetic neuralgia. The initial dose is 300 mg and eventually titrated up depending on the client’s response to treatment and discretion of the health care provider. The lower dose is effective. However, if you want to achieve greater benefit a higher dose is recommended. It would be helpful if the patient will strictly follow the prescription of the primary health care provider to avoid any untoward side effects and conditions. There is also proper way of titrating the dosage. The gabapentin dosage for restless leg syndrome is 600 mg to be given once a day with food, ideally 5 PM. The dosing requirement for pediatric patient is lower compared to adult. The drug should not be given to patient below 3 years of age.

If you are giving the drugs for patients older than 3 years old and below 12 years old, the gabapentin dosage is dependent on the weight of the child. The starting dose would be 10 mg to 15 mg per kilograms per day in three equally divided doses. The primary care physician will determine if the patient needs higher dosage or not. There are some cases wherein the drug can be given to children 2 years old. However, one should take cautious action in giving the drugs. The therapeutic benefits should outweigh the ill effects of the drugs. The decision of using the drug is determined by the pediatrician. It is a critical decision to use the drug for such younger age but there are cases wherein the drug is the only way to treat the condition of the child.

Aside from the age, there are still other factors that can affect gabapentin dosage. Studies showed that male requires higher dosage compared to female. This is due to the physiologic makeup of the men’s body. You also need to consider the time interval of giving the drugs. If the drug should be given two times a day, then it will surely require higher dosage compared to three times a day. If the drug is given as a mono therapy, then it is more likely that the dosage will be increased. However if the drug is to be given in combination with other drugs, the gabapentin dosage should be smaller. There are certain drugs that can affect the dosage benefits of gabapentin. It is important to tell your primary care physician if you are receiving or taking drugs other than gabapentin. Most especially, you have to inform your physician if you are taking hydrocodone, naproxen, and morphine. These medications are known to interfere with the action of gabapentin. The patient may require higher or lower dosage.

The dosage of the drug can also be affected with the types of foods and drug allergies that the patient has. So, it is important to inform the primary health care provider regarding drug and food allergies. It would also be better if you keep your physician informed on the past medical history and past surgical history before you buy gabapentin in Hong Kong. The previous health history of the patient can greatly affect the dosage of the drugs. In order to achieve the therapeutic effect of the medication, it would be a lot helpful if the patient will cooperate to the treatment plan determined by the health care provider.

One of the major breakthroughs in the management of neurogenic pain has been the use of medications with anticonvulsant properties for reduction of this type of pain. Pain that is caused by inflamed or irritated nerves is a different pain problem than pain caused by other noxious stimuli. The pain of a contusion or bruise, a laceration or a fracture is different in from the pain caused by direct nerve irritation or injury. Physicians have found that the pain caused by direct nerve irritation or injury responds to therapy with gabapentin as well as to treatment with other anticonvulsant medications like carbamazepine (Tegretol), and Lyrica. The use of these medications for neuropathic pain has numerous advantages over the use of opioid analgesics. Perhaps the most important advantage of medications like gabapentin for neuropathic pain over the opioids is that can be more effective. Opioids simply reduce the perception of pain, whereas gabapentin and similar medications can actually reduce the biologic processes in the nerve that lead to pain.


The mechanism of action of gabapentin in reduction of neuropathic pain is unknown. Gabapentin was initially synthesized to function like the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid, but it is not believed that the actual mechanism of action is directly related to its GABA agonist activity. Gabapentin also appears to alter the calcium channel function in nerve cells and this may be in part how it works. Regardless of its exact mechanism of action gabapentin has become a key drug in the treatment of neuropathic pain. Gabapentin is also felt to be effective in the treatment of fibromyalga although it does not have an FDA approved indication for that condition.


Gabapentin has also been used for the treatment of various psycologic disorders, particularly biplolar disorder as a mood stablilizer, although recent evidence suggests that gabapentin is not effective for this indication. Other drugs including various atypical antipsychotics like risperdone or Zyprexa, as well as other anticonvulsants like valproic acid seem to be more effective than gabapentin for mood stabilization.

Gabapentin may not continue as the leader of the anticonvulsant drugs for the treatment of neuropathic pain as newer drugs like Pregabalin become more established, but as the first highly effective drug specifically for the treatment of neuropathic pain gabapentin has been a huge positive step in the therapy of neuropathic pain.



50, 100, 200, 300, 600


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